Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ding, Dong...."Break" in the New Year!!

So Ethan decided to "Break" in the New Year with a broken collar bone!! He and Austin are doing ski school with the school district and Friday Jan. 6th, was their first day!! They got all new snowboard stuff for Christmas, and were VERY excited for ski school to start. Later in the evening I got a call from Kelly Canyon that Ethan had an accident!! So I got nervous, but also thought...well it is Ethan!!! They said an ambulance was their to check him over and make sure nothing serious, like a head injury had happened. Once they evaluated him, they advised me to come on up to get him and that he could have a broken arm or collar bone. I left right away to go get him. Once I got there, he was all wrapped up in the ski patrol office with the school superintendent, Mr. Dunn. Ethan was in a lot of pain, but we managed to get him to Community Care for xrays, he did say every bump in the road hurt him. Sure enough the xrays came back and he busted up his collar bone, his left one no doubt. He is left handed!!! So they gave him a back brace to keep his shoulders back and straight so the bone could heal!! He was a trooper, and seemed to be okay. I got him home and gave him some Tylenol for the pain and then got him all situated in the recliner to sleep. Poor kid!! We are glad it was nothing serious, and that he is okay!! Love Ya Ethan!!

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