Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

Ethan getting a new shirt!
Austin getting a new shirt!!

Our wonderful kids did not get up at the crack of dawn, thankgoodness. We did not rise and shine till 7:30am!! That is sleeping in for us, we are used to getting up by 6:45am, so we were happy!! We had a great Christmas day, each of the kids get a turn to pick a present and give it to whoever it is for. We go one at a time to make the whole opening presents adventure last longer and so we can appreciate all the wonderful things we have been given. We were spoiled again, and had a great day. Here are a few pics of our morning!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a great Christmas. Hope you have a happy New Year, too!

:) Love the Adamson's

LeAnn said...

Loved all the pictures and short video clip. It looks like you had a fun christmas and I love having you blog it so we can seem a little closer. Love you all! Mom