Sunday, February 21, 2010

Class talent show

Ethan's 3 rd grade class had a talent was so fun!! They did a few songs at first then each child preformed a talent. Some were wrestling moves, dancing, gymnastics, piano solos and remote control car tricks. Ethan was the remote control car tricks kid, he did great and the rest of the class thought it was so cool. He was pretty proud of his amazing car. At the end the students passed out refreshments to thier parents. I love Ethan's teacher, she is so emotional about how much she loves her students and really teaches them respect for others and caring for others. She is amazing!! Here are some pics and hopefully a video of thier class singing!!


Anonymous said...

What a cool talent!! I love when my kids have good teachers. Makes a world of difference!!!

LeAnn said...

I loved the pictures of the class. Ethan of course is adorable. He had such cute look on his face.
Thanks for sharing. Love to you all!