Monday, March 31, 2008

Hanging with Glen Beck!!

So we had a pretty special day on Saturday. Justice and Austin got to go meet Glen Beck at a press release at the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff and Glen are good griends and the Sheriff asked him to come speak at the DARE Graduation. DARE is Drug Awareness Resistance Education, the sheriff pretty much started the program for Madison County, and so he is a big DARE guru! It was pretty exciting for Justice and Austin to go get pics taken with Glen. He spoke at the graduation about his experiences with an alcohol addiction, and what he did to get better and his advice to the kids, he did a really job. It was a great experience for the kids and all who attended. I was jealous, I really wanted to go get pics with Glen, but I had to go save seats so we could get good pictures. Next time he is town I will get to go meet him. He visits Rexburg often, his daughter is attending BYU-Idaho, and he really wants to move here. He really likes it here, maybe we could convince him to buy our humble little home, so he blends in well!! HA HA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jealous here!! Dave and I love Glenn Beck we are faithful watchers and listeners of his radio and TV show. That so awesome that you guys got to meet him in person.