Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sweet kid moments

Okay so I am not very good at journaling like LeAnn, so I am using my blogging as a journal. A really cute moment with Ryley yesterday. We were waiting at the school for kids to come out, and he said "Mom I know who build us", I asked him who, He said " Jesus builded us" , so cute. I love his word "build". He is so funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are AMAZING!!! I dont know how you do it! 6 kids!!! WOW! I pull my hair out with just three! Are you guys having any more? It amazes me how some people (you) make it look SO easy! I'm jealous! You blog and your family is SO cute! What precious kids! Dont you just love what comes out of their mouth!!:)