Monday, April 27, 2009

Ryley Day!!

Wow are kids exciting are what!!?? In church Sunday, during Sunday school, the Primary President interupted and needed to speak to me, I stepped out in the hall. She then went on explaining that Ryley stuck a B.B up his nose!! SAY WHAT??!! I had to have her repeat this, since I was stunned as to how he got a B.B up his nose! Ryley said he didn't know what to do with it, so he decided to stick it up his nose. I tried to get him to blow his nose, while I held the nostrile without the B.B closed, he did not get this concept and just blew out his mouth. So we started walking home to get a pair of tweezers for me to get it out. As we were walking across the lawn, he laughed and blew it out!! He was so excited, he said "mom it came out in the grass!" So we turned around and went back to church!!
Later that evening, it was awfully quiet, and I wondered where Ryley was. So I went upstairs to see where he was at, I walked into my room and he popped out of my closet. I noticed a perfumey smell, I reconized it as some hand lotion from my purse. He had been in my closet smearing lotion all over my shoes, carpet and an old computer we had set in there. I was beside myself, I don't understand the desire to do that. I don't even know how to punish for that, other than he went to his room for a little while. A few moments later I saw a brand new tube of anti-itch benyadral cream all squeezed out all over my carpet and a stuffed animal. WHAT THE HAY!! What is wrong with this child, what on earth is so fun with that, and do you not think, geez my mom will be dang mad at me!! I guess NOT!!
So needless to say, it was a day of Ryley is driving me nuts day!!
Peace Out!!


The Courtney Family said...

That sounds all too familiar. I'm pretty sure I haven't sent Meilia over to play! But who knows...maybe she's shown him the ropes while he's been over here. It's good to know that we all have "normal" children.

LeAnn said...

Honest Amanda; I only cursed you with one of Travis. I don't know what happened there. I am speechless to know what to advise you.
However, I am laughing so that is helping my blood pressure.
Love, Mom