Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Funny night humor!!

The other night Karli came to my side of the bed to ask if she could sleep with me. I told her no, since Kason was already in my bed. She cried, so I told her to get in bed with Ryley. They share a bunk bed, since she is scared and won't sleep in her own room. She tried to wake up Ryley but he is a pretty sound sleeper, so she could not get him to budge. Karli wanted him to climb up to her bed, and he just could not wake up. She got in her bed and cried a little and kept begging Ryley to come get in her bed, she said " I am scared", "Ryley, I am scared". So cute, his very sleepy voice says to her " it's just your imagination"!! She just cried more, and finally fell asleep. I of course over heard all of this and was just laughing, trying to not shake the bed to wake up Kason. You could tell that was not the answer Karli was looking for, aparently no one was very sympathetic to her need for someone to sleep with her. I just laughed!! So dang funny!!


Ari Anna Johnson said...

Oh! You are so mean!!!! Actually that is what I would have done. How cute and funny, thanks for sharing.

LeAnn said...

I loved this story. Your children are way cute. Personality plus just like their parents.
LUM, Mom

Brooke Monk said...

Kids say the funniest things sometimes, and the funniest things they say are the ones that they don't mean to be funny. Cute Cute Kids!