Monday, April 6, 2009

Need blogging help!

So I have been having some issues with my computer, apparently my cute background page has disappeared. I can't get a new background page to come up. I have tried everything I can think of. So if anyone has a suggestion I could use it!! I usually get my backgrounds from thecutestblogontheblock, but now nothing will appear on my blog!! HELP!!


LeAnn said...

I wish I could help on the background. Maybe Tiff could help you. I am diffidently computer challenged. I found out today that I have been leaving comments on face book and I haven't clicked on the comment after I have written it; so no one has been getting them. How lame is that. LUM, Mom

Ari Anna Johnson said...

Ok, I had this same issue and then I called my sister in law! You need to add a gadget called html java script and cut and paste the code into the box when you find the background you want. Hopefully this helps.