Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryley!!

Yeah!! Ryley is 3, and has been dying to have his day!! The past 3 months has been one of the kids' birthdays and he has been asking when it is his Happy day. So finally it is here. It is hard to wait for your birthday when you are little. I love my birthday's, so I can imagine being little a year seems like forever. Today in Sacrement meeting Ryley kept asking when are we going home so we can have my birthday. Mind you he does not know the meaning of whisper, so it was like an announcement each time, and he asked like 5-6 times. In nursery they sang happy birthday to him, I was peeking through the window, and he was beaming!! Here are few pics of his party today!

1 comment:

Ritch in Love said...

Hi guys,
This is Katie (Brady) Ritchie(Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Don's youngest daughter). Aunt LeAnn sought me out and so did Tiff. Tiff gave me your blog address! Your family is darling! I hope you don't mind if I stop by your blog to see how you are doing. It's been a long time since I reconnected with family. Hope all is well.