Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Braces!!

Today Justice got her braces on. We went this morning, it took about an hour and a half. She is looking good. So far she is not too sore, but probably by this evening she will be hurting. Tomorrow is the first day of school, hopefully she will not be too sore. Some before and after pics!!


The Ridgeways said...

Yeah! Straight teeth here we come! Nice of you to do it while she is young and not while she is dating. Tell her popsicles really help the swelling those first few days!

So Many M's said...

Look at your family. You look great. Ellen has periodically updated me on your fam, they are all getting soo big. Yeah I love that water park,I would move to Rexburg just for that thing. We didn't get to spend a ton of time there cuz of how busy we were but it was fun.

LeAnn said...

Hi, from Grandma:
Hey, Justice you looks so cute with your new braces. Just know that we love you a ton and so enjoyed having you and Ethan here for a few days. It help me so much.
Love, Grandma